Updated on April 26th, 2023

We all love to shop online, there is a plethora of merchandise in every category you can think of. What’s not to like? Whether a product is of better quality, has more specifications, or is limited in supply – you can probably find it online.

And since the United States is the number-one hub for online shopping, it’s no surprise that we find ourselves wanting to order things from the US abroad.

While some of the biggest retailers like Amazon and eBay can ship some items internationally. Most retailers like Target, Costco, BestBuy, Walmart, Nordstrom don’t offer international shipping. We’ve put together a list of some of the best and most affordable options that you should consider when shopping from the USA.

Read more about: Best methods of Shopping & Shipping From The USA

Do I need a US mailing address?

You don’t need a local address if the vendor offers international shipping. However, international shipping is a hassle for a reason – it’s expensive and time-consuming.

If the vendor does not offer international shipping, you’ll have to have the package delivered to a US address or a PO Box first. In this case, having a local address is a must.


How to order from the US without having a local address?

PostScan Mail:

A CMRA(Commercial Mail Receiving Agency) is an organization authorized to receive postal mail on behalf of a third party. PostScan Mail offers mailing addresses to have your packages delivered to and then forwarded internationally using your preferred shipping courier.

When a package arrives, the package label is scanned and uploaded to your account; you also get instant notifications with any new mail or packages.
You can even use this address as a business address for your company website and have business mail & packages forwarded there as well. Other benefits offered include mail archiving, recycling, or shredding.

For just $10 per month, you can receive 30 mail items and packages at your virtual mailbox. You’ll have access to your mail anywhere you have an internet connection. Viewing your mail remotely has never been so easy.


PackageGO is a package forwarding service popular with online shoppers, international shoppers, businessmen, and anyone looking for a US mailing street address.

They offer both a free and premium plan that can fit anyone’s needs. PackageGO provides a free street address in Anaheim, California to use for your package deliveries.

Just shop from your favorite online store and have them delivered to your new PackageGO street address. Your package can be stored until all of your packages arrive for consolidation to be shipped all at once, saving you shipping fees and space!

Using the shipping calculator, you can calculate the shipping cost to help you choose the most affordable shipping method available. Your customs declaration form will also be filled in for free, saving you the trouble of having to understand and deal with customs.

The processing fee per package is $3 with a $2 consolidation fee per package. You can also check out the premium membership for even more discounted rates and extra free storage days.

Rent a Private Mailbox:

A private mailbox accepts mail and packages from all shipping couriers, not just USPS, and they also offer mail forwarding. You can rent a private mailbox with a Postal Annex or a UPS Store, but you need to ensure the private mailbox provider is available in your country.

Signing up for a private mailbox may also be problematic if you’re not a US citizen or can’t travel to the US. You will need to actually visit the store in-person sign-up and get your mailbox keys.

Read more about: How to Rent a Private Mailbox at UPS Store?

Use a friend or family member’s address:

If you have a relative or friend living in the United States, you can ask to use their address to accept your packages.
They can receive your package and then forward it to you using whatever shipping courier you prefer.

This is a cost-effective solution since you will only pay for the shipping fees. With that said, it would only make sense to do this temporarily. You wouldn’t want to inconvenience your loved ones on a regular basis.

Image Credit: By sasirin pamai

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