Updated on April 26th, 2023

Earlier in the year, the United States Postal Service (USPS) reversed its initial decision to end standard mail delivery on Saturdays. Some have stated their disappointment in this decision, as the intent of the decision was to make money-saving cuts.

In a recent ABC News article by Mark Mcguire, he quoted House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa saying the USPS’ decision was a setback due to political pressure.

But, honestly, why wait for higher-ups to take control of your snail mail service? Go virtual. Go. Virtual.

We live in a world of instant messaging, texting, Googling this and Googling that, so why can’t our Postal mail be given the Matrix makeover? Americans are able to keep their Saturday mail service, but Post Scan Mail’s website is up and running 24/7.

Of course, PostScan Mail has given us options. With its virtual mail assistance, using it effectively is key to “unlocking” its magic. It’s like your own personal mailroom at the tip of your fingers.

Let’s break Advantages of Virtual Mail:

First, Post Scan Mail receives your mail at your very own unique address. It’s sorted, scanned, and ID’d for your convenience. You then have the following options:

  • Scan Your Mail – At your direction, we open a mail item and scan its full contents.
  • Forward Your Mail – Once we receive your item, your mail can be forwarded to you.
  • Store Your Mail – We can also store your mail in our facilities.
  • Recycle/Shred Your Mail – Through your PostScan Mail account, you can delete your mail, and we’ll shred it for you.

Simple, right? And that’s what mail should be. Your virtual mail box can be set up for as low $10 per month or try the free trail with a money back guarantee. PostScan Mail works great for companies of all sizes.

So why should virtual mail matter to you as an individual? Let’s say you ordered a cool tech toy all the hip kids are raving about, but you’re never home when deliveries occur in your neighborhood.

You don’t want the neighbor’s dog chewing it up or a stranger across the street signing for your new gadget.

Let PostScan Mail shoulder the hassle of knowing where your mail is and when you should get it.

Background vector created by makyzz – www.freepik.com

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