Updated on June 19th, 2023

Now that you’ve created your PostScan Mail account, there are steps you need to complete to enable our service. You can pick ONE of TWO options.

Option 1: You can have your mail forwarded from your current address to your new PostScan Mail address.

1. Fill out a Postal Consent Form, also known as a 1583 form.

2. Get the 1583 form notarized. Your bank most likely offers a notarization service or click here to find your nearest notary location.

3. Fill out a Change of Address Form.


Option 2: Inform your contacts to send mail to your new PostScan Mail address.

1. Fill out a Postal Consent Form, also known as a 1583 form.

2. Get the 1583 form notarized. Your bank most likely offers a notarization service or click here to find your nearest notary location.

3. You must then inform your contacts to send mail to your new PostScan Mail address.

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